2000 22ndAugust 1813
The 7th French corps have concentrated at
Castillo to defend the approach to Burgos.
General Villante has opted to hold the town with his 6th
division, and keep his 14th division in reserve and out of sight.
Two days earlier 2nd British division had arrived
in front of Castillo and deployed on the Mayorga road. After an ineffective cavalry recce they then
moved south, leaving the road open and undefended. At this stage 1st Spanish
division was still a full days march west at Mayorga.
General Graham, commander of 2nd Allied corps,
had ordered 1st Spanish division to join him west of Castrillo. But before they arrived he ordered 2nd
British division to attack into the empty area south of Castrillo.
Villante had anticipated such a move, and had ordered his 14th
division to move south into I07 to counter it.
Under orders to attack two French divisions without any
support, Packenham halted his 2nd
division and requested further orders from Graham. Fortunately the two French divisions were on
Hold orders and did not move to attack the isolated British division.
As night falls 2nd British division are in a very
exposed position, but fortunately 1st Spanish division have at last
arrived to support them.
It will be interesting to see whether Graham can turn this
unusual deployment to his eventual advantage.